Saturday, February 12, 2022

Handbook of International Higher Education, 2nd Edition

Addressing "important issues such as leadership, the values that drive internationalization, the increasingly important connections between internationalization and intercultural competence, and the roles of students, staff, and faculty in shaping internationalization" (p. 464), the Handbook of International Higher Education, 2nd Edition is an essential resource to all educators. The editors define internationalization as a broad commitment that infuses international perspectives throughout higher education institutions, impacting all students through a variety of encounters and experiences.

The overview webinar of the Handbook provides a summary introduction that may entice you to purchase the book. As the editors indicate, internationalization must go beyond the movement of scholars and students around the world by advocating that international awareness and dexterity must be a shared educational objective for all. The "Preface" indicates that "this comprehensive revised publication provides ideas from around the world for those seeking to enhance the quality of the three core functions of higher education: teaching, research, and service to society, with mobility of a minority of students, staff, and programs as only one of the many dimensions of internationalization and not the only or even main one" (p. xv).

Chapter 15, "The Student Affairs Profession" (Roberts, D.L., Ammigan, R., Roberts, D.C., & Leask, B.) would likely be of interest to those in student affairs roles or those who wish to understand this particular element of higher education settings. Through a brief introduction to this area, the authors explore the emergence of student affairs as a field, implications of professionalization, enhancing the experience of international students, and the importance of collaboration.

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