Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Academic freedom questions in the Arabian Gulf states

With academic freedom as one of the major cornerstones of its learning community, any compromise of this value can be incendiary. After previously being barred from Abu Dhabi, a graduate student now enrolled in Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service sought to continue her research on migrant worker conditions in Qatar. However, Qatar immigration officials denied her visa when she tried to enter the country to conduct research.

Having personally experienced bureaucratic processes in the Gulf states, it is quite possible that the visa was denied simply to be consistent with other Gulf countries (the UAE in this case). It could be more significant and that's what becomes difficult - working through the bureaucracy to find someone courageous enough to take a stance that might draw public criticism. The more effective way of resolving issues like this is to stay calm and quiet and work behind the scenes to achieve resolution. Politicizing the issue and risking the potential of someone losing face is generally not the way to go.

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