Friday, October 25, 2013

Views of internationalization in Canada

study of Canadian students' views of internationalization is worthy of consideration for campuses with large numbers of international students or considering expanding international presence.  The findings include two issues, first that the "values of internationalization are still in many ways adopted only superficially by Canadian students, and require strengthening.  And second, that not enough attention is being paid to the dislocations caused by internationalization, particularly with respect to instructors' official language abilities."

Monday, October 21, 2013

China and academic freedom

Inside Higher education described the circumstances behind Peking Professor fired and raised question if the firing was a violation of academic freedom or a reflection of routine review of faculty for continuing employment.  The article also describes a shift in the political atmosphere in China that may indicate a step backward in allowing diverse perspectives among faculty and students.

The New York Times published a later update indicating that the faculty member will leave Peking to work for the Cato Institute, indicating that protests from the West might have influenced the view of the Chinese government about his continuing employment.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bloomberg comments on reassessing higher education partnership

This articles sounds the alarm bell that some branch campuses or centers have struggled with everything from decision making to construction to enrollment:

Qatar is the only country with which the article did not find fault, except they were able to find a consultant who commented that, “It feels like it’s more of a vanity project” for Qatar."  I wonder if Mr. Assomull has ever visited or talked to the leadership of Qatar Foundation about his views. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Global Learning conversations

Educators explored the question of how to foster global learning in students at a recent conference in New England (USA).

Discussions at the conference addressed a number of possibilities with Harvey Charles of Northern Arizona University advocating for university presidents to be active and vocal in their support of funding and structures to support a global learning agenda.