Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Vanderbilt's 2nd campus

Amidst the backdrop of colleges and universities establishing satellite campuses across the world, Vanderbilt University is set to establish a "2nd campus" in West Palm Beach. Innovation is the apparent focus, complementing the reputation of West Palm as the U.S. Wall Street South.

While the motivation of universities that establish international campuses might be compromised by financial benefit, a U.S. campus setting up shop in another state and doing it in a highly privileged area makes the priority clear. My guess is that the West Palm Beach 2nd campus is substantially about positioning the institution to tap into future economic benefit of alumni from privileged backgrounds. The academic focus might be a way to counter the privileging message of the Vanderbilt 2nd campus but, unless there is very aggressive diversification efforts, privileged students will be able to accelerate their privilege with a Vanderbilt degree and a focus on innovation.

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