Monday, April 24, 2017

Public vs. private universities in India

A preference repeated in some other countries (i.e. Taiwan and China), Indians prefer public universities rather than private. The reason is simple - quality. The number of youth (41% of Indians are under the age of 18) who will potentially flow into higher is mind-boggling yet progress toward providing the institutions and space to accommodate them is falling behind. Lack of quality in private universities is reflected in a focus on infrastructure over the quality of the learning experience, faculty appointments due to family connections rather than credentials, and weak governance and accountability.

India is one of the oldest and most complicated countries in the world, its former prominence undermined after colonial occupation by Great Britain. In order to redevelop human capacity within the country, thus stemming the tide of highly talented people leaving for education and work abroad, India's public sector education must be maintained and enlarged while a complementary private sector becomes more credible. And then the government has to figure out how to battle corruption so that the economic picture is enhanced and becomes sustainable.

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